Thursday, 31 December 2015

A New Year

In the early days of losing Annalee, all I wanted was for this year to be over- to just make it to the end. This was the worst year of our lives.

It's funny how time gives you perspective. Now, on the last day of 2015, I'm a bit sad to see the year end. In some ways, it was the best year of our lives. Close friends got married, we traveled, we had our first baby. Among the excruciating heartbreak and sadness, there was so much joy. It feels good to be in a place where we can focus on the positives.

We're not the same people we were a year ago. We're broken, but stronger and filled with more love than ever before.

Happy New Year 


  1. Anna, I have just discovered this blog, (not sure how I didn't know about it before!) I just read every post and been through a complete roller coaster of emotions! Everything you have written is so beautiful and I'm so glad you are willing and able to share your feelings. I was wishing there was a way to connect more with you and tell you how much I think of you and Eric and sweet Annalee. Your writing is amazing, just like you, and I can't wait to read more of your posts. Sending lots of love your way xox Jenn

  2. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and story! I think of you often. Being in the NICU and surrounded by babies and stories- sometimes loss and sometimes joy has taught me that we take babies and pregancy for granted. They truly are miracles and it is amazing that our bodies can create such a beautiful thing. No matter how long they are with us doesn't take away from the amount of love you have for them. You are a strong and amazing Mother! Kelly

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and story! I think of you often. Being in the NICU and surrounded by babies and stories- sometimes loss and sometimes joy has taught me that we take babies and pregancy for granted. They truly are miracles and it is amazing that our bodies can create such a beautiful thing. No matter how long they are with us doesn't take away from the amount of love you have for them. You are a strong and amazing Mother! Kelly
