Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Funny Girl

Even though we'll never know what Annalee would've been like, we know for certain that she was funny. When she was in my belly, Eric would come home and they would have play time. Eric would tap a spot, she'd kick back and we would laugh. This would go on almost all evening. It was awesome.

Even though she's not physically with us, I know she's around and she's still making me laugh. Whenever things get overwhelming, something funny will happen. The first time I went to my chiropractor after she was born, I had to tell him what happened and started to cry. When I looked up from sobbing, I noticed that his fly was undone. I didn't say anything (because awkward!), but I couldn't help but laugh to myself.
The first time I went back to yoga, we were outside on a rooftop and it was so serene and beautiful. The teacher asked us to focus on our hearts. Mine being so incredibly broken, tears were starting to fall when all of a sudden a train went by, screeching its brakes and breaking the mood entirely. Again, I had to laugh.

These silly little things happen all the time and I love it. I know it's her way of helping her mama heal.


  1. You've been making me laugh for years….. A funny girl just like her mama!!!!!

  2. i love this so much, anna. what incredible and special moments.

    i too have been so grateful for the funny things that come at the most bizarre times. when we lost roo, a girlfriend gave me a stuffed bunny with his name embroidered on his ear to remind us of him. finn instantly claimed the bunny as his own and lovingly snuggled and took care of the bunny during those first few extra difficult months. one night, finn had the flu and i couldnt help but burst out laughing when we went in to check on him and found the bunny upside down in his barf bucket, finn fast asleep- just the perfect depiction of brotherly love. :) with eli, my wish before losing him was to be able to feel him kick on the outside. i had felt lots of kicks inside, but nothing strong enough to be felt on the outside. the night before he passed, i was laying in bed, hand resting on my stomach as i zoned out on my phone. he kicked me so hard that my phone flew out of my hand and hit me in the face. hilarious, but also probably a deeper meaning to that message ;)

    thanks for sharing annalee's funny stories. im sure all our munchkins are up there having a good giggle at their silly mama's. xo

    1. i love you mamas!!! and i LOVE my angel babies!!! xo

  3. I read this post this morning and it has been making me smile all day. Annalee is keeping her mama company too :)
