Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Angry Grief

It's back from the depths.

I figured it was probably just the holidays, but then Christmas came and went, then New Year's came and went and here I am, still being a total bag. I can't seem to get out of this funk. I feel frustrated and angry everyday- not even just at night anymore, but from the moment I wake up, until I fall asleep.

The hardest part about it is that I'm not mad at someone or something in particular. I just have all of this pent up anger and nowhere for it to go. I feel entirely unlike myself.

Friday, 6 January 2017

A quote

I had my own notion of grief.
I thought it was the sad time
That followed the death of someone you love.
And you had to push through it
To get to the other side.
There is no pushing through.
But rather,
There is absorption.
And grief is not something you complete,
But rather, you endure.
Grief is not a task to finish
And move on,
But an element of yourself -
An alteration of your being.
A new way of seeing.
A new definition of self.

-Gwen Flowers